Definition of property & cadastral conservation


Title deeds and cadastre records may not always offer sufficient guarantees. The cadastre has a merely fiscal purpose, therefore it is not meant to define boundaries with precision. Chartered land surveyors are the natural advisers for all the property-related matters of individuals, professionals and local authorities. We help our clients carry their projects through to a successful conclusion in accordance with regulations and every party's rights. We thus contribute to preventing any subsequent dispute or to resolve those under way.

At the heart of our business, the demarcation of property lines (bornage) allows us to define the boundaries of land ownership. As experts in these areas, such as the analysis of public records, the consultation of property deeds or easements, we strive to give you the best possible advice. The conclusion of our work is a statement of demarcation signed by all neighbouring owners affected by our mission.

Boundary marking and land surveying

Chartered land surveyors are the only professionals authorized to irrevocably demarcate a plot of land, for example in the case of a verification of the plot's surface, a planned development by a neighbour, the erection of a fence or the creation of a building plot.

Boundary marking juridically defines and marks on a plot the boundaries of private contiguous properties, belonging (or destined to belong) to different owners. In this respect, we provide 3 types of services:

  • Amicable demarcation (if both owners agree), will give rise to a statement of demarcation signed by both parties ;

  • Judicial demarcation (in the absence of agreement of the parties), where the chartered land surveyor intervenes as designated by a judge ;

  • Demarcation of properties in the public domain. In the latter case, chartered land surveyors assist the local authority for analysis, materialization of the boundary, drafting of the demarcation statement and notification to neighboring owners.

We recommend reading this interesting article about boundary marking: X_marks_the_spot.pdf

Division of property

When a property is divided into several plots (for instance in the case of a sale, an inter vivos gift, a succession or a future housing development) chartered land surveyors carry out a feasibility study, explain the various steps of the application file and then carry out the division and draw up the division plans.

Cadastral conservation and land registers

We are entitled to establish the modification documents of the cadastral map (DMPC), formerly called documents d'arpentage, an obligation in the case of any change in property lines (division, housing development, share-out, exchange, etc.).

Cadastral coherence

The determination of the origin of property, the search for heirs or the search for easements may require a comparative analysis of the old and new cadastre records. We may undertake this research to fully understand the evolution of a plot's consistency and its successive owners over time.


In case of transfer or division, we carefully analyse existing easements such as rights of way or those to be created. We may also be mandated to provide legal advice on the existence of an easement and/or on the means of its execution. Many disputes can be avoided thanks to this service.

Judicial and amicable expertise

As chartered land surveyors, we may be designated by the court as experts of justice. We may also carry out an amicable expertise (document analysis, expert opinion, report) whose content must be outlined with parties according to the desired objective.
